
I find it interesting how I constantly have these nasty little things called expectations. I wish I didn't place them upon people or situations. Because I am constantly let down and disappointed. No one, including myself could ever measure up to my personal expectations. I don't understand why I keep placing them on everything. Life could care less how I think things should go. No one does. Its much easier to go with the flow and enjoy the fun bits that life has to offer. To live in the moment. I just wish I would stop doing this to myself. Its driving me crazy! Letting the expectations go can be hard though. Realizing you have to surrender is never easy. I never though I would still be taking meds to get rid of this Lyme. Its been over two years now and going. I thought I would have been done by now. Nope! That's one expectation that's gone right out the window! I think its okay to want people to treat you with kindness but to expect it is another story. Anything is possible when people are involved. I just wish I could have a break from this whole Lyme thing. One day even would be so nice. One day where everyone gets along, no money worries, no family drama, no chores, or things to do. I guess I'll have to wait till heaven then I am putting in my request for a new body for sure!
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