Entering a New Year

I have been getting to the point of 70% wellness but between homeschooling my son full time, being a full time housewife, trying to get bye financially without me working, and trying to at least volunteer teach at our local homeschool co-op and my son now on Swim Team, I am beyond stretched.  I haven't been blogging much about my Lyme journey because I thought I was getting very close to healing and I thought I didn't have much to offer.  Then of course I found out a few months ago my folate was super crazy low also deficient which as a Lymie and Celiac we all know that's not good.  It also explains why I had a miscarriage a few years back as well.  I also carry the MTHFR gene where I don't absorb the folate super easily from my food or supplements.  I need it retested now after a treatment to reduce my homocysteine factors.  I'm sure if this treatment has worked.  I still wait for the all shoe to fall.  I think five years of Lyme Disease treatment has taught me that lesson, never think the journey is completely over forever.  I've had spans of feeling decent then I relapse and find out something new I need to deal with.  I am grateful that I have gotten this far.  But now the new thing I gotta deal with is my 8 year old son.  He had to go Gluten Free, Wheat free, and now Dairy free.  His food allergies got bad and he was in a lot of pain.  He's doing better now and he's not in as much pain or hyper active like he was before.  So now I'm somewhat decent I'm dealing with a young kid who hates his new diet.  And I need to get him tested for Congenital Lyme Disease and MTHFR gene and probably Celiac gene too.  I could of given him all of these.  Its nuts that my mom, probably her mom, my sister and niece all had to go Gluten and Wheat free this year due to health problems.  Its crazy stuff but they are all feeling much better without it in their diets.  So not surprised my son can't have it either.  But its not the cheapest diet either so I'm learning more and more how to bake GF WF from scratch which means more work for this mama.  Not thrilled about that but I gotta find ways to reduce my grocery bill.  I am grateful that this past year I've gotten to meet more Lymie friends in person and that has helped me a lot.  And I hope to keep going to our local Lymie support group meeting.  I finally got to go to one and it really helped me a lot.  I never realized how much stress I internalize until I am toast.  So I am relearning some better healthier boundaries for myself and taking help when I can get it.  I also started going back to counseling this past fall and that has also given me great support.  I stuffed so much deep down for so long I couldn't even figure out what was overwhelming to the point of depression.  Now I can say at the new year starts I am making progress and slowly unraveling myself out of my pain and hurt.  Which as we all know helps so much with our health too.  I am hoping this week to get back to walking my 3-4 miles a week.  It has helped with my stress levels.  I know I am rambling but I guess sometimes blogging helps to just purged out all my endless thoughts.  I am hoping for a better and healthier year mind body and soul. 


  1. You're going through a lot, with all that work and the still lingering lyme, especially with the homeschooling! Other mothers would have given up juggling those tasks while keeping themselves on track to recovery. I think your endurance and perseverance carries you through these, which is quite commendable. It's great that you started the year on a positive note, and I hope this keeps up or improves for the rest of the year!

    Jan @ GradePowerLearning.com


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